UFC FIT (Week 2)

UFC FIT Challenge (Week 2)

Wow! I survived the first week! The first couple days were hard but after that it got easier and my soreness went away. The program is set up well and even had a rest day. I'm awaiting my exercises after work everyday. Ive made a schedule that I do UFC FIT at 6:30 every night. My body feels actually a little better now and I feel a little refreshed once I wake up..

Picture Updates

Pictures say a 1000 words? The pictures from week 1 and 2 look similar as they should. If there was a big difference I might have to go on national tv!!I'm expecting a difference maybe after 3-4 weeks but now the pictures almost look similar. However, the week two photos have socks!!
Week 1 Vs Week 2
Not much of a difference on my back yet.
Week 1 vs Week 2
My side looks similar from week 1.
Week 1 vs Week 2

My front profile looks similar too but with the cool added darth vader socks!!

Looking Ahead

I'm really looking forward to the coming weeks. I feel like the exercise do give a nice workout and that with hard work and determination I can become a more better me.


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