Tiramisu Kit Kat

Tiramisu Kit Kat

Kit Kat Chocolate bars have been around since I can remember and then came the chunky version. Now Canada has introduced numerous flavours of Kit Kat's anywhere from green tea to cheese.

Today I try a new flavour tiramisu. The chocolate bar actually is a mixture of two flavours which I have never tried before so it's like trying three new chocolate bars at once.

The dark brown chocolate of the Kit Kat is espresso flavoured. The chocolate seems almost like fresh espresso from the cafe. The taste of the chocolate was dangerously delicious. It was like eating a cups of sweet espresso. The flavour had hints of coffee, sugar, and milk. Alone this chocolate could hold its own.

The white chocolate is actually mascarpone flavoured. It smelled cheesy and the texture was different than the average white chocolate. The flavour was creamy and tasted like eating a piece of cheese. The chocolate was slightly sweet and might be able to stand alone if you like cheese flavoured products.

The brown and white chocolate eaten together gave a unique taste that actually tasted like eating a tiramisu dessert. The coffee and cheese flavours matched each other well. The creaminess of the cheese and the sweet coffee flavour mixed to form an awesome taste that could be one of the bestKit Kat flavours in existence. If you can defiantly try this chocolate bar out!!!



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