Bigfoot: Could it exist?

Bigfoot: Could it Exist?


It might seem crazy in this day and age that a large ape could inhabit the planet while staying hidden from modern technology. However, it all depends on perspective. Most people never get to see the vast forests of North America. Most people look in California, Washington state, Oregon, and British Columbia for bigfoot signs. But, I mean how many people have explored northern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Thirty foot high trees line the landscape for hundreds if not thousands of kilometers. The forest also is home to numerous big game animals and enough fresh water to support a large amount of fish species.

A small population of great apes could easily hide in northern Canada. For example most of northern Canada is non-accessible by means other than airplane. Roads are rare and avoid lakes as well as areas that would host most animals to minimize vehicle collisions. A population of great apes could easily learn to avoid roads and areas that people regularly frequent. The dense forest could even hide them if they did adventure close to human populations.

In recent years large animals have been found that have been though to be extinct or things of legends have been discovered. This could be the case for bigfoot in the future. All it would take is to find one on a trail camera or a deceased body to bring the animal from myths to reality.


Ok here it is! Technology has advanced so far in the recent past that almost anything in the wild came be photographed or tracked without the need for a human to be present. A well placed trail camera can photograph hundreds if not thousands of animals in its life time. Thermal equipment can also seek out anyone or anything that is hiding.

Hoaxes or another thing that discredits bigfoot and the evidence that is supposed to be real. A well trained hoaxster. Could make footprints resembling a bigfoot and lead to a full investigation. The hoaxster would keep doing this until they were caught because it might bring monetary gain to themselves.

Finally, where are the bodies and signs of life? If a large ape was living in the wilderness their would be some sort of signs of life from feces to dead bodies. No bodies have been found in history and no possible kills either have been found. A large Ape living in Northern Canada could not sustain itself in the winter without some meat.

What do you think?

What are your opinions on Bigfoot?

I’m torn as I think that it would be hard for a creature to love hand in hand with humans for so long and not be discovered. However the vast amount of forests could hide some creatures possibly even a Bigfoot population.

Bye for now!


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