Krampusnacht (A horrifying Christmas Story)

Krampusnacht (A horrifying Christmas Story)

This story happened to me many years ago when I first lived alone. I have since moved away from the area and have never encountered anything like it since. Enjoy the story and remember sometimes Christmas can be a horrifying time.

I had been living alone for not more than a week, figures I move out on my own the first week of December and it's the coldest December in the past twenty years. The constant snow and wind did not help either. My new house was located in a small secluded area of town. I had neighbors on to the front and right of my house but to the left was nothing but a vast forest of tall pine trees. Actually if the weather was not so bad it would be quite the view.

At night the wind howled and made my house creak and crack while the cold entered the house through the poorly insulated doors and windows. The sound was constant and would only give up for a few minutes while the wind regrouped. The short days played a role on my health and I drank a little alcohol to ease my boredom. It was not much later than eight thirty but the area was pitch black as it is in the northern hemisphere during the late fall months.

I heard a big thud on my roof which jolted me out of my chair. I put down the book I was reading and sat quiet for a minute. There was no sound or any movement. The house was completely void of any sound. I went back to reading my book and forgot about the thud. At about nine I put down my book and walked to the kitchen to drink some eggnog. As I peered out the window to the darkness I thought I seen a large dog looking into my lit room. I went to the light switch to turn off the light and went back to the window. The dog was gone at this point.

I grabbed a cup and poured a glass of eggnog and went back to my chair. I was tired and dozed off. I was awoken to a large bang at my back door. The air was cool and I immediately knew my door was open. Not thinking much of it i went to the door and noticed two hoof prints in the snow just in front of my door. I slammed the door and locked it. I was amazed that the lock and door did not seem to be damaged in any form.

I was scared and wanted to call someone. As I went to my night stand to get my cellphone I noticed a tall black figure in the room. I thought it was a bear looking straight at me. However, the face of the bear seemed to have a slightly goat feel and there were two objects sticking out the back of its head. I froze in fear as I realized it was not bear but a creature I did not know of. It looked at me for almost what seemed like five minutes before it let out a blood curdling scream. I was still frozen but could move my hands to my ears.

The creature walked up to me and smelled my face. I thought I was going to faint but I did not. The creature looked me straight in the eyes. Its red glaring eyes said it all. there was not one ounce of good in its body. The creature smiled at me and walked behind me. I did not move and was scared to death what was going to happen. I heard the back door open and close. Before I moved  I had process what just happened to me.

I grabbed my cellphone from my night stand and went to the backdoor to take a picture of the hoof prints. However to my surprise the hoof prints had been covered by the raging snow and wind. There was no proof left of the creature. I phoned my family and friends everyone thought I was joking or playing a prank on them. I left the house that night and moved back to a well populated area away from the forest. To this day I still remember the terror I felt that cold December 5th night.


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