My Little Green Men

My Little Green Men

It was a warm mid July summer day with the sun beating down on me. There was not a cloud in the sky nor a tree within a mile too take any refuge. I was outside walking around my parents canola field that was in full bloom and about knee high. I was in paradise walking through the beautiful yellow flowers that smelled of sweetness and brought joy to the countryside. I was going to my favorite relaxation spot a little coulee in the middle of the field that had a clearing of about twenty yards with a little pond off to the side. Many times during my childhood I had wondered to the coulee and pondered about the meaning of life. The area was the cherry on top of the cultivated field. There were even wild raspberries and strawberries scattered around the area that provided a treat to those who discovered the little peace of heaven. I brought a knapsack with a small umbrella, place mat, drink and novel to relax and enjoy the beautiful day. This was actually my first time visiting the area for some time as life had took me away from the countryside for a few years.

I came up to the coulee and the memories came back I was a child again in my own secret spot and ready to explore and see if I could catch a frog or even a toad if I was lucky enough to come across one. I walked through the beautiful scenery and placed my mat down on the grass and opened up my umbrella. I opened up my drink which was sweet tea that was brewed just right and laid down for a moment soaking in the wonderful place that I had come too. The slight breeze whistled through the grass and the hot sun was blocked by my umbrella and I was in total bliss just me, myself and I. Not one bit of technology was anywhere to be found. No cars, no airplanes, no video games and most importantly no smart phone to distract me. It was the nineteen nineties again. The whole nostalgia feeling was almost to much that I had an almost deja vu moment come over me which was funny because I had been here before multiple times. 

I cracked open my novel and read through it pages like a young boy discovering his first big adventure. The story was adventurous and told of a great journey that took the main character across his world in a nonlinear way where dragons were fought and love was lost and won. I lost track of time and put down my book when I was feeling sleepy. I was quite tired and had a long walk back to my parents house about three kilometres away. I decided to get some sleep as the sun was still high in the sky and my nap wouldn't be overly long at least I hoped. I tucked my novel back into my knapsack and faded off to sleep.

I had a marvelous dream where I was taken away to a foreign land in a saucer shaped vehicle piloted by youths that had a pale green complexion to them but otherwise looked like everyone else. The showed me the seven seas and the north and south pole. It was a feeling of harmony seeing such beautiful things that I had never attempted to see before. The ship even flew over Europe and went to multiple famous cities and I seen the Eiffel Tower, Brandenburg Gate and Stonehenge before going upwards into the heavens. I seen the earth as a blue and green ball not more than the size of my thumb nail. I actually put my thumb over the earth and blocked it out. I was transported to Mars and seen the beautiful landscapes that were unknown to myself. I witnessed another saucer pass by the one I was in and then another and another. The farther we flew into space the more and more saucers I seen and it was almost like my life was completed. I seen things I had never dreamed of before and things that only a science fiction author could imagine. I felt like this was the answer to life.

I took in so much detail and so many new things that I felt like an explorer that had just come across something he had set out a life time ago to find. The sauce kept flying through the abyss with asteroids, comets, and even more saucers flying by. I walked around the saucer and did not really see anything except huge windows that kept showing the continual show of the space outside. The pilots were few and between and did not seem to want to talk but just showed me to the windows. A planet was approaching and I seen that multiple saucers were coming and going from it. There was artificial light that scattered the surface and tall buildings that seemed to pop out of the plants soil almost like a New York or Tokyo. The closer we got to the planet the more tired I suddenly got. The last thing I remember was the saucer seeming to stop.

I woke up almost drenched in sweat. The sun was almost over the horizon and I felt like I had not slept a minute. I got up and finished my sweet tea which was now lukewarm. I closed my umbrella and folded up my mat. I place my mat in my knapsack and noticed my novel was missing. I looked around the area but could not find my novel. I decided that I would look for it tomorrow or the next day as it was getting dark and I had a long walk ahead of me. As I walked through the canola field my dream came back and I found it quite interesting that it was so vivid and life like. I got to the road and started walking towards my parents yard. I looked up into the sky and seen the stars that were shining bright and wondered if I would every see them like I did in my dream.

I went back to the coulee the next day to retrieve my book but I never found it. There were no other footprints leading to the coulee. I stopped and looked into the sky as I left the coulee and smiled for I knew that somewhere out-there my novel was captivating a new explorer to seek out new worlds and new adventures.   

*If you liked the story please leave a comment, I enjoy writing short stories occasionally.*

This is an original story, if you would like to cover this in a YouTube video please leave a comment. (c) Checkacola


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