Lego 2023 Star Wars Advent Calendar

In a Galaxy not so far away
the days are getting shorter and the nights longer
the snow is falling and causing the grass retreat
only the day of Christmas can save us from despair
the calendar awaits and guides you to this day

The beginning of December means the beginning of advent calendars for Christmas. This year my cameraman/lady/hangook ajumma picked me up a Star Wars Advent Calendar for my birthday which was a few months ago. In true fashion I waited until December 1st to open up the first day (the kid in me had trouble waiting, lol)

I've never had a Star Wars Advent Calendar before and was unaware of where the instructions were. after opening day 1 and receiving Omega and posting a video I analyzed the calendar and found the instructions are behind the day doors.

Omega has a two faces and comes with a sled. Personally I think this is a strong start to the month. I can't wait for what the following days bring.

Day 1: Omega

To be continued:



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